i've been chomping at the bit to get my grabby little hands on the march issue of vogue for eons now; i finally succeeded, and sauntered home in anticipation of the read ahead. of course i have not yet gotten through it, for i am one who first does a full breeze through, taking note of the images and topics at hand, however actually reading very little. i'll then dive into round two, in which i consume the articles i deem to be most worthy. round three involves another thorough examination of the entire being, before i backtrack and read articles that missed the initial cut. finally, i'll leave the tome for a period of time and return to it at a later date, revitalized and ready to look at it anew.
at present time i have completed one and two, reading alt's bit, the piece on a mother and weight (two topics that never fail to grab me), and the gaga article which, thank god, was quite lengthy and scrubbed up nicely in terms of the photos (i'm looking at the angelina december one which, if memory serves me right, offered up little for the eye). i rather enjoyed jonathan van meter's look at the entity, and i do find that he manages to capture portions of a star's aura/being/image/whatever that are overlooked - in this case the idea of the 'lady'. a wonderfully engaging read and the images, and colour choices, are something fresh: well done.