with the unveiling of the tim burton exhibit at the tiff lightbox in toronto, canada is currently going through an obsession with all things burton. last night i watched mars attacks! for the first time in a long time, but it is far from my favourite burton film. beetlejuice has been a longstanding love of mine, and was seen endless times during my childhood, along with the wizard of oz, alice in wonderland, and the lesser-known babes in toyland. until the exhibit i didn't realize just how strongly burton has been influenced by roald dahl (and quentin blake i'm sure, although i don't recall him being referenced), an author whose books i keep returning to (and who came in quite handy when teaching grade 4 students!).
i spent over 3 hours in the fairly small exhibition space, and could have stayed longer, save for the fact that i had things to do and people to see. while i certainly loved seeing costumes and sculptures and the like, i took to his illustrations most of all. each one is a work of art in itself, and it was fascinating to see how his themes developed over the years, and yet the general aesthetic remains steadfast. now he has returned to frankenweenie, a character he developed years ago, but never came into fruition. can't wait.
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