ever since i saw drew barrymore in an oh-so-casual date night bow tie, i've wanted one. alas, due to finances prohibiting a swoop through the whimsical floral selections at model citizen, i've had to made do with what i have: a faux-leather bow hair clip. strung around my neck by means of brown leather string (small sigh) it's a passable effort, but the vintage stores need to be scoured. clearly.
while drew's tossed on approach is admirable, i prefer the tiptoptailored look of janelle monáe, a current fave and the best menswear devotee since diane keaton (right?) yesterday the bow was paired with shiny oxfords, rolled b&w striped pants, sheer black blouse, caramel belt and a houndstooth jacket in various tones of brown; today it's the same shoes, navy pinstripe pants, b&w striped tank, grey vest, same belt and camel & black jacket. i'm going for old man at the library sans pipe. i wish i could gain the crispness of monáe; she's just so freshly pressed and ironed! now if only i had that shock of hair...
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